Chez PLAUD, nous croyons au pouvoir de la collaboration pour accomplir de plus grandes réussites. Notre approche consiste à travailler en étroite collaboration avec nos partenaires pour co-créer des stratégies qui correspondent à vos points forts et aux exigences du marché.

Nos partenaires bénéficient d'un accès anticipé aux mises à jour des produits et aux nouvelles fonctionnalités. Cela vous permet non seulement de vous positionner en tant que leader d'opinion sur votre marché, mais aussi de proposer des solutions de pointe à vos clients.

De l'intégration aux opérations continues, notre équipe d'experts est disponible pour garantir que vous disposez des connaissances techniques et du soutien nécessaires pour vendre et soutenir nos produits en toute confiance.

Nous offrons à nos partenaires une gamme complète de ressources et de soutien marketing. Cela comprend l'accès à des supports de marque, à des documents marketing et à des campagnes conçues pour accroître la notoriété et la demande.

Notre modèle de partenariat est conçu pour soutenir vos objectifs de croissance et de rentabilité, facilitant ainsi l'atteinte et le dépassement de vos objectifs commerciaux.
Achieve with PLAUD
Become a pivotal part of PLAUD's journey, leading in integrating real-life data with AI. We support our partners with comprehensive resources, innovative strategies, and exclusive insights, aiming for mutual growth. Together, let's navigate the path to revolutionize and achieve.
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Achieve with PLAUD
Become a pivotal part of PLAUD's journey, leading in integrating real-life data with AI. We support our partners with comprehensive resources, innovative strategies, and exclusive insights, aiming for mutual growth. Together, let's navigate the path to revolutionize and achieve.
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Why Partner with PLAUD?

At PLAUD, we believe in the power of collaboration to unlock greater achievements. Our approach involves working closely with our partners to co-create strategies that align with your strengths and market demands.

Our partners benefit from early access to product updates and new features. This not only positions you as a thought leader in your market but also ensures you can offer cutting-edge solutions to your clients.

From onboarding to ongoing operations, our team of experts is available to ensure you have the technical knowledge and support needed to confidently sell and support our products. This includes training sessions, troubleshooting assistance, and updates on the latest product enhancements.

We equip our partners with a comprehensive suite of marketing resources and support. This includes access to branded materials, marketing collateral, and campaigns designed to drive awareness and demand. Our team also offers guidance on best practices for marketing our products in your specific markets, ensuring you can effectively reach your target audience.

Our partnership model is designed to support your growth and profitability objectives, making it easier to achieve and surpass your business goals.